
Friday, 4 May 2018

go to to make your own  game and tell me in the comments if you like it or if you don't like it


  1. Hi it is Cayleigh from Gilberthorpe school.
    I like the way you Put a certificate. Did you think about it before you did it? Next time you could put a picture of what you do on it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Azire Christina here i like the the way you put
    the certificate to persent that you a good at the hour of code next time you should put more of the picture so people know what the
    hour of code is.

  4. Hi its Steph
    This certifcate looks really well detailed,
    probably you can add a slide of how you learned to do coding
    I really think that you did really great effort in coding
    this reminded me of making a game by coding.

  5. l enijoyed the part when ...Dib you about next time ,you could look back and try to the goodbye

  6. thank yous for commenting on my blog there be a time you will see my commenting on your blog

  7. thank yous for commenting on my blog there be a time you will see my commenting on your blog

  8. hi im ethan from Gilberthorpe and i enjoyed part the ship and did you think about how did you do it


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